Newsletter – September 2020
From the CEO
It’s hard to believe that the summer is already behind us. At the CLSB, autumn means getting ready for practising certificate renewals, alongside our other regulatory and project work. Renewing your practising certificate will look a bit different this year. The process should be quicker, easier and more convenient.
This year, you will be able to renew your practising certificate online. You will recognise many elements of the application form from previous years; we still need to know who you are, where you work, information about your practice and clients, and any disclosures you need to make. We will ask you to input the CPD activities you have carried out in 2020 and you will be able to upload documents, including your insurance policy and complaints procedure.
We decided to move away from paper-based applications for a host of reasons, ranging from the (amazingly high!) number of documents that get lost in the post, to the cost and environmental impact of printing and postage, to the enhanced data security and accuracy of an automated system. We hope you will find the new process much more convenient, but if you experience problems at any stage please contact us.
You will receive your application form – which is unique to you – by email at the start of November. We will also use your email address to confirm your application and issue your practising certificate. I’m sure you can see why, this year more than ever, it is imperative that we have a current and reliable email address for you. If you need to update your info between now and November please email [email protected]. There’s more on this in the Regulatory News section below.
We will also be asking you to provide diversity data alongside your practising certificate application. Please be assured that the information you provide will not be linked in any way to your application and you will always be able to select a “prefer not to say” option. We appreciate your help in ensuring a strong, diverse and inclusive profession.
Kate Wellington