Ethics Hub
The resources in this Ethics Hub are intended to help Costs Lawyers consider appropriate steps to take when faced with a situation that raises ethical concerns, and to encourage ongoing engagement with and reflection on what it means to uphold professional standards.
Each ethical matter that you deal with as a regulated Costs Lawyer will be different. Regardless of the situation you are facing, you should always consider your obligations under the Costs Lawyer Code of Conduct, and ensure that you are familiar with the CLSB’s Guidance Notes in the the Costs Lawyer Handbook. If you are in doubt about what steps you should take, you should consider consulting a senior colleague. You can also contact us directly for assistance.
Ethical scenarios
These ethical scenarios are fictional, but are based on real enquiries and complaints received by the CLSB and other regulators. They are not intended to provide concrete answers to ethical questions; in practice, every ethical challenge will have unique characteristics and you must decide how to meet your professional obligations on a case by case basis. These ethical scenarios are there to guide you and help you consider relevant factors. Always contact us if you need further advice.
Click on the links below to see details of the scenario, factors to consider, and relevant principles and guidance.
Other resources
The resources on this page will be added to in the future. Please let us know what additional information would be helpful to you.