What is the Costs Lawyer Handbook?
The Costs Lawyer Handbook contains the core regulatory rules that apply to all Costs Lawyers. If you are new to the Costs Lawyer Handbook, we suggest you start by looking at the Costs Lawyer Code of Conduct, which establishes the principles of professional conduct by which Costs Lawyers must abide.
There are additional CLSB rules that are not contained in the Costs Lawyer Handbook, because they are only relevant in certain situations and do not apply to everyone. These include the Training Rules, the Accredited Costs Lawyer Rules and the Recognition of European Professional Qualification Rules.
The Costs Lawyer Handbook also contains guidance notes covering a variety of topics. The content of the Costs Lawyer Handbook (i.e. the regulatory rules and guidance notes) can be accessed using the links below.
Regulatory rules
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Rules 259.27 KB
Contain requirements for continual learning.
Disciplinary Rules and Procedures 354.56 KB
Specify the processes for handling breaches of the regulatory rules.
The Costs Lawyer Handbook also contains guidance notes on various topics. These are designed to:
- help Costs Lawyers meet their regulatory obligations in practice;
- help the public understand what they can expect from a Costs Lawyer;
- clarify a Costs Lawyer’s responsibilities under our regulatory rules or under other laws and regulations.
The guidance notes are intended for interpretive purposes; they are not a statement of the law and they do not replace our regulatory rules.
Ethics Hub
The Ethics Hub helps Costs Lawyers navigate their professional and ethical duties, supporting the material in the Costs Lawyer Handbook. It contains ethical scenarios based on real-world enquiries and complaints received by the CLSB, as well as other resources relating to professional ethics and conduct.