Newsletter – June 2024
From the CEO
Are you taking cybercrime seriously? Recent cybersecurity attacks at firms where Costs Lawyers work highlight the need for everyone in the profession to remain vigilant to protect their clients, staff and wider business.
Remote working has made many businesses even more dependent on IT systems, and this has led to ever more sophisticated cyber attacks. Legal services firms handle sensitive and valuable information which can make them attractive targets for cyber criminals, as highlighted in the National Cyber Security Centre’s latest Threat Report for the UK Legal Sector. The report stressed the importance of people in management and governance positions understanding the issues and improving cyber security practices, as well as providing extensive advice and guidance on how to do so.
The CLSB’s 2024 Annual Risk Outlook highlights the ever-growing risk around cyber threats, recommending that costs law firms have external cyber assurance certification in place and that all Costs Lawyers consider whether their professional indemnity insurance extends to cyber-related risks.
The National Cyber Security Centre provides a range of resources and training to help individuals and organisations mitigate the risks, and we encourage you to prioritise reviewing these as part of your cybersecurity strategy. It will also count toward your annual CPD, if the activities are relevant to your CPD objectives.
Given that lawyers hold sensitive, confidential and potentially valuable data, everyone in the legal sector – from large firms to sole practitioners – are at risk of attempts to steal data, extort ransom demands and generally disrupt commerce. We all need to make sure that our part of the legal sector understands and protects against vulnerabilities as much as we can.
Kate Wellington