Register of Costs Lawyers

The Register includes the names of all Costs Lawyers who hold a 2024 practising certificate.

Use the green  button to get more information about a Costs Lawyer including the start date of their current practising certificate, their practice areas, any additional organisations in which they practice, and any disciplinary decisions or published decisions of the Legal Ombudsman.

You can search the Register by an individual or organisation name,  location or other data. You can use the Filter to identify Costs Lawyers working in particular practice areas.

Please note that many Costs Lawyers accept instructions only from other legal professionals. If you are a private individual/litigant in person please filter the Register on “Litigants in Person” prior to contacting a Costs Lawyer.

If you need help using the Register, please contact us.

Full Name Surname Number Qualified Organisation Address Telephone Practice Type Organisation regulated? LIP
Full Name Surname Number Qualified Organisation Address Telephone Practice Type Organisation regulated? LIP